This week, first class, was the introduction to what we’re going to be seeing throughout the semester and I must say it looks like it’s going to be a good class, not to say awesome! We are, in fact, going to see a lot of films this includes movies as well as documentaries from mid 1800’s to the present.
Usually I have History along with Biology, Chemistry and others in my boring-but-have-to-be-taken drawer; History l, from last semester is already there, it was awful!
This time it’s different, the professor its super funny and keeps the conversation going, making the whole class more interesting and heck! even the subject (history) is interesting. He’s one of those few good teachers in a very rare class and way of teaching (with movies!).
Check these 42 best Sci-Ffi Movies 1950-1965
So it gets you thinking that really there is no film that doesn't illustrate history in some way.
So it gets you thinking that really there is no film that doesn't illustrate history in some way.