Friday, February 15, 2013

How Families Survived in the Industrial Revolution

Though throughout most of my searching I found the industrial revolution been mostly portrayed as a great improvement in manufacturing of goods with the assembly line and machines that could do the work of 50 or more men; what I was really looking for was to know more about the people, workers, families and from that –children.

Living was harsh in those times:
·         Poor and dirty working conditions, long hours, low payments

·         Families crowded into one single apartment, one toilet room for the whole three to four story building!

         ·         Kids had to work as early as five years of age.

Most of the families had an income lower than their expenses. Their expenses might just be bread coffee and meat, sometimes vegetables and other food or miscellanies and everyone ate the same thing even through all three meals.

Children worked the same as adults, many suffered from injuries and none had any kind of protection gear. Regulations had not yet been established, not for workers nor for food production and packaging.

Unfortunately this time there wasn’t any time left to watch a movie in class, so IOU; but I did find some good movies about the industrial revolution:
Oliver Twist (2005) IMDb, YouTube.This movie is on Netflix as well.

Modern Times (1936) IMDb, YouTube

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